Juvenile press kit (EN)

On this page:


Pre-view of the single
Pre-view of the music video


Painted Pillars celebrate childishness with their new single ‘Juvenile’

After the release of their singles ‘Bell’, ‘Catastrophe’ and ‘Answer’ earlier this year, the Dutch alternative rock band Painted Pillars keeps up the momentum with the release of a new single and music video on July 5th. ‘Juvenile’ is a cheerful ode to youth and a call to have the courage to look at life through the eyes of a child.

The song has previously been performed during live shows, where it was a favorite of both the audience and the band. ‘Juvenile’ combines fierce guitars with a playful rhythm and rebellious yet melodic vocals. The single calls for scrambling and mischief and the band members lead by example in the music video. Under supervision of director Robert Zwaan, they spent a scorching afternoon in a small playground to put their words into action and really look at life through the eyes of a child…

‘Nevermind the poison they call wisdom, it’s not profound. The whole world is a playground… so let’s play some!’

About Painted Pillars:

The famous pillars and statues of antiquity were once colorfully painted: they have only become so pale and uniform because we have neglected to keep painting them. The Dutch alternative rock band Painted Pillars takes a stand against this trend and offers resistance to the graying of the world. Using rough brushstrokes, they keep coloring up the world around them, as the canvas is never finished.

The band’s first single about a philosopher, wine and a donkey was released in Januari of 2022. With recent singles released earlier this year such as ‘Bell’, ‘Catastrophe’ and ‘Answer’, they have set the tone for a loud and swinging 2024 .Their latest single ‘Juvenile’, a celebration of childishness, happily continues that trend with danceable rhythms and the first feature of a glockenspiel in the group’s steadily growing discography.

With inspirations like Pixies, The Smiths, The Strokes, Libertines, Parquet Courts and Fontaines. D.C. and influences from various other genres such as punk, classic rock and hip-hop, the band’s sound is characterized by dynamic rhythms, high energy and a healthy overdose of passion. Singing along is at your own risk!

Painted Pillars is:

Eric Faassen, singer and guitarist, glorious king of neurotics and full-time philosopher against his own will.

Rob Müller, bassist, cover art painter, motorcycle daredevil and mechanical engineer.

Lucas Willemsens, drummer, poet and computer whisperer.


Coverart by Lisa Ann Weaver (muse of Müller)
Poster 1
Poster 2


Photo by Danisha Sluiter
Photo by Danisha Sluiter
Photo by Danisha Sluiter

Extra information

Juvenile is a song with a long history and, like several other singles from the band, finds its origins in the attic room in the parental home of singer and guitarist Eric. The original idea was written on a keyboard and later translated to guitar. Juvenile once had a fully developed text, which unfortunately turned out to be lost when the band went to revive the song. With the exception of the theme and a few chunks of text from the chorus, the song has therefore been almost completely rewritten. And since Rob’s rolling bass lines and Lucas’ playful drums have transformed it into a true anthem, it might be more correct speak of a rebirth. It was not a smooth delivery however. The band has had the song in their live repertoire for a long time and has devoted many rehearsals to fine-tuning the hit. Even during the final rehearsal, a day before the recording in Studio Sahara in The Hague, small changes were made.

The band found a live version of one of the first times they played the song in front of an audience in their archive:

A very early version of Juvenile, performed on Stukafest Delft in 2022


Grow up, study for a good job
Find yourself a wife, have kids and settle down
In a suburban town and
Grow old, do as we are all told
Listen to the same old boring good advice
And don’t you dare think twice but

This whole mad world
I would like to see it with my own eyes, child’s eyes
Don’t get told you don’t know how to
live life, your life
Nevermind the poison they call wisdom
It’s not profound
The whole world is a playground so let’s

Play some
Ask your mom for crayons
Color up the streets full of grey soberness
It affects all of us how
Grown-ups bitter up and lose hope
We must do the same and never hesitate
But I fear it’s to late ’cause

This whole mad world
I would like to see it with my own eyes, child’s eyes
Dont get told you don’t know how to
Live life, your life
Nevermind the poison they call wisdom
It’s not profound
The whole world is a playground and I’m

On my own
All alone
I can’t choose
What to do

Grow up, study for a good job
Find yourself a wife, have kids and settle down
In a suburban town and
Grow old, do as we are all told
Listen to the same old boring good advice
And don’t you dare think twice but

This whole mad world
I would like to see it with my own eyes, child’s eyes
Dont get told you don’t know how to
Live life, your life
Nevermind the poison they call wisdom
It’s not profound
The whole world is a playground and I’m…


Recent singles: Bell, Catastrophe, Answer



Press on Painted Pillars

Obscure Sounds on Bell (EN): https://www.obscuresound.com/2024/03/painted-pillars-bell/

B-Side Guys on Bell (EN): https://bsideguys.com/2024/03/02/weekly-new-releases-pt-1-mar-1st-2024/

3voor12Leiden on Bell (NL): https://3voor12.vpro.nl/lokaal/leiden/update~c013594a-1136-4a2b-80bf-1ac308cc5cc9~anti-kerstnummer-laat-een-belletje-rinkelen~.html

Interview Mare (NL): https://www.mareonline.nl/cultuur/de-leden-van-studentenband-painted-pillars-tasten-af-hoe-groot-ze-mogen-dromen/